Saturday, January 10, 2009

A World Of Colours

I wanted to paint the world in different colors
The colors so rich and cavernous
Wished to have vibrant picturesque on my canvas

I searched the canvas over which to spill the colors
All the shades of blue, pinks and yellows
I thought of even painting the real fellows

Just as I were about to start my endeavor
I happened to feel a slight tremor
I tried to reason out my hands quiver

Inadvertently I observed the world of reality
Which I perceived was painted in entirety
The world was already colored so magnificently

Neither a ray more nor a shade less
I know the work of God is faultless
The world’s really so colorful and so flawless

this is how i feel about life

Friday, January 9, 2009

Five Short Steps

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in.
I am lost, and I am hopeless.
It isn't my fault
It takes me forever to find a way out.

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend I don't see it
I fall in again. I can't believe I am in the same place.
But it isn't my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out.

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it is there. I still fall in... it is a habit. My eyes are open. I know where I am. It is my fault.
I get out immediately.


There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.



Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year soon...

Here we have another new beginning,
Another chance to be what we are not.
Praised be those who recognize the rot,
Portion out the guilt, and go on living.
Years change far more frequently than we,
Nor are our changes more than painted screens,
Each placed to maximize our meager means,
Windows on a world that none can see.
Yet, truth be told, we know well what’s within.
Each resolution fails to touch the heart,
As in the end we are, as at the start,
Remorseful reprobates, half hope, half sin.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Bamboo (1)

Out of the ground a straight thing grows,
out of the ground a blue-green pointed thing grows,
piercing the frozen winter,
glimmering green in the morning’s empty road

Bringing tears to the eyes,
tears falling even now
from above shoulders swollen with regret,
hazy, the bamboo roots spreading, spreading,
as out of the ground a blue-green blade comes up.

Bamboo (2)

In the shining earth the bamboo grows,
the blue-green bamboo grows,
underground the roots of bamboo grow,
roots that gradually taper off
with fine hairs sprouting from their tips,
hazy fine hairs faintly growing,
faintly trembling.

In the adversarial earth the bamboo grows,
above ground the sharp bamboo grows,
perfectly straight bamboo grows,
with its rigid joints going rin, rin,
at the base of the blue sky bamboo grows,
bamboo, bamboo, bamboo grows.

Hagiwara Sakutaro

Bamboo Grove

The bamboo grove shines in golden sunshine,
the lush green leaves in the grove sparkle with life,
The wind blowing thru the pores in bamboo stalks fills the grove with melodious music,
The parrots, cuckoo, and maina birds fill the grove with color and cheers.

The bamboo plants bend and sway during windy days,
shows how to be strong and flexible in stormy days.
It is the idol of survival in tough and blistery weather,
It graciously gives way to sprouts to prosper in its withering days.

The aura of bamboo grove by night is charming to behold,
The moon peeks thru the leaves painting the grove in silhouette and silvery shadows,
The trees resonate with the heartbeat of romance,
Each knot feels like the ladder to advance to the higher level of ecstasy of love.

The plum blossoms in the grove under the moonlit silvery skis,
Reminds me of the eternal lovers bonded together in eternity,
The trees stand tall with vigor with branches protecting lovely pink blossoms,
The grove brings the aura of good fortune and friendship forever.

Keep In Mind

Touch the sky
and in your reach
and aspire.

May your tomorrows
take you to the
summit of your goals

And your joys
take you
even higher.


Happy New Year 2009!

Happy New Year to you.

Soon, Happy Chinese New Year to you...

